Maybe he’ll be a soccer star!

Or maybe a dancer.
Or a drummer.
Or in the science club.
Who knows?

We are in our last week of Connor’s first soccer season, and he has made great progress! He spends much less time crying on the sideline, and way more time acutally in the game. One game he even went on the field without Derek or I! He did hold a coaches hand the whole time, but we’re taking baby steps here.

Sometimes he even runs after the ball like this.

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(PS…I was not that mom who makes her kid play in a warm jacket. He did not remove that thing for 48 hours. Literally. He slept in it and everything. When he gets attached to something, he really gets attached.

Connor has even kicked the ball a few times.

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You better believe I was cheering like crazy even though he totally kicked it towards the wrong goal.

Here he is again going the towards the wrong goal. And please notice that he has not yet let go of Derek’s hand. One game he did kick the ball while not holding hands. But then the big pack of kids came at him. He regressed back to the hand holding. I personally find it very cute.

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Again, notice the hand holding. Derek’s lucky he didn’t knock over that other kid and get kicked off the field. Way to kick it to the correct goal this time, C! Who cares if poor number 4 got mauled by dad in the process?

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What would three year old soccer be without the old miss-the-ball-and-trip-over-your-own-feet manuever?

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And finally, a moment of pure flitty happiness, reminiscent of the classic Vincent chidlren.
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Yes, he may just be a soccer star yet. You’ve come a long way, Connor J.
There was no ball kicking or flitty happiness on the day of the first game, as evidenced by these pictures.

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And if he never wants to play soccer again and instead wants to join the ballet, then I suppose that is fine. We’ll always have this season.

4 Replies to “Maybe he’ll be a soccer star!”

  1. Connor I am so proud of you for making so much progress. I have a feeling that Brock will be just like you! I think it is great you want to hold Daddy’s hand. There will be a time when our babies still wanted to hold our hands, so enjoy it while you can. Meg, I like that you put he could be in the science club since that is what I told you when you found out that Logan was a boy and they could be in science club together. I think Brock will stick with the reading club.

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