funniest thing ever

grumpycman2.jpgIt was one of those days. To say that Connor woke up on the wrong side of th bed would be an understatement. On the way to school we had a conversation about his grumpy mood. We talked about how it’s okay to feel grumpy and different ways that he could improve his mood. He seemed to be thinking really deeply about the things I was saying. After a long pause, he said,

“but mommy, I can’t find my happy mood because it’s in the prickly forest and it’s too far away!”

I stifled my laughter, and with all the seriousness I could muster, I told him we should pray. “Dear Jesus, please find Connor’s happy mood in the prickly forest and bring it back to him. Amen.”


I sometimes freak out in the middle of the night. It’s almost like a psychosis or something. The other night, I jumped out of the bed, tore the covers off, ran across the room, tripped and skinned my knee on the carpet, and screamed. Derek, like any good husband, freaks out a little bit because I am freaking out. “Megan! Megan! Are you okay??? What’s going on??!!”
“What?” Derek asks.
“Poop! There is poop in the bed! I know it! There is a HUGE pile of POOP in my bed!”

Derek, like any good husband, gets me calmed down, and assures me there is no poop in the bed.
I am literally having fight or flight. A physical reaction to the delusion in my mind.
Then we laugh at what a freak I am.

(you can insert roaches, spiders, lizards, or people besides Derek…I’ve had freak outs about all those thing.) She’s a super freak.

9 Replies to “funniest thing ever”

  1. You are a super freak! I think Derek should set up a video camera so that you guys can send it in to funniest home videos. Can’t wait to see you guys!


    okay, you are not that big of a freak. I do stuff like that all the time! I have envisioned mittens and gloves hanging from my ceiling…I sat up in bed and started to shop! LOL my poor hubby, he thinks I’m insane. LOL!

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