VBS Central

Connor is attending his third VBS in a row this week. I know crazy, right? And before you think that it’s just because it gets him out of the house for free every morning, I will say that is only part of it. The first week was at our church. The second week was a really huge one where some other friends were going. And this week it is at his school. This week has been his favorite-I think because of the little mini-reunion with all his little school friends.

So all week he has talked about a boy named Ethan. This is not a friend from school, but someone he just met this week at VBS. Now, any of you how know Connor personally have probably gathered that he isn’t the most outgoing, social kid out there. Once you get to know him, or get on his good side by playing a crazy imagination game, you are a friend for life. But he doesn’t usually make friends wherever he goes. Derek and I joke that he gets his social awkwardness from his daddy. 🙂 Anyway, back to Ethan. I figured Connor talked about Ethan because either a) he loves space as much as Connor, or b) he is a bit of a trouble maker. Tonight at dinner he mentioned Ethan, and I asked if he was his friend.
“Well…we were playing duck duck goose, and he was the goose and kept chasing me and tagging me. So he’s usually not my friend.”
Very matter of fact. Oh, to be 4 again and choose your friends based on whether or not they let you be safe during a game of duck duck goose.

Last night, Connor very carefully chose his pajamas. And he could not be swayed.
For the record, the socks match the sweater vest. It was actually the socks that inspired the pjs.

Let’s see….what else has been going on…Logan got sick a week ago with croup. It was pretty bad-he woke up from his nap really having a hard time breathing. After a steroid shot, a breathing treatment, and 4 days of steroids at home, he is back to normal. Derek’s parents came to visit last weekend. We kept the visit very low key since Logan was sick, but it was still a good visit with a trip to the pet store, Sams, and some good fun playing dominoes. I will state for the record that I really kicked everyones tail at dominoes that night!

We looked at some dogs for adoption at the pet store-not pet store dogs, but from one of the dog rescues that goes to the pet store on the weekend. There was nothing for us. I think if the time comes we will head to the SPCA. I have talked to several people in the area who adopted puppies from there and had great things to say about it. I am still on the fence about the dog. We are having a vacation with Ryan and Maggie in July, plus my (much anticipated!) girls weekend after that. So I think I will revisit the dog issue in August when I will be home for a long stretch. But in the meantime, Connor picked out a beta which he has named Goldfish Hungry. Don’t even think of shortening that name, by the way. He is adamant about his name being Goldfish Hungry.

So I guess that’s it! We have a pretty busy weekend with my parents coming to town and my niece and nephew’s birthday party. Should be a fun weekend!

4 Replies to “VBS Central”

  1. Hi,
    I am Shauna’s friend..I just wanted to say you are completely right in waiting on the dog until after all your events. It takes lots of time and patience! Also, I would recommend getting a dog that is 6 months to a year old…NO PUPPIES. I got my dog (who is now 9 months old) when she was 8 weeks and although I love her, it was incredibly hard and I have no kids! I could not imagine doing it with kids. The next dog I get will be a little bit older– and the SPCA is definitely the way to go! Hope you don’t mind the advice.

    Have a great day,

  2. **Oh my mom used to put me in all the VBS’s during the summer when I was a kid too. I’d go to about 10 a summer it seemed like. Great pic of Connor. Too cute! Luv the vest.

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