
Blogliners, come see my video. I promise you, it’s a good one!

Edited to add-The song is Capri by Colbie Callait. It’s a great one!

30 Replies to “Blogworthy”

  1. Congratulations to all of you. What wonderful news! We hope you are feeling well, and enjoying this pregnancy. Tell Derek we said Wahoo! and take care of yourself!!

  2. The cover of the video is the sonogram… soon as it said “but their family was not yet complete” I literally gasped out loud!

    Congratulations!! I’m guessing boy.

  3. Can you please just tell the baby to come a few days early? Patrick and I are going to be there on the 12th for a wedding and I’ve never actually seen a baby in person. Also, I think you need a girly girl 😉 We lovingly refer to “it” as our new Niecephew. Patrick and I are really so happy for you!

  4. You know you could have saved this revelation until today so it was kind of like your baby was being revealed on my day of birth…that would have been nice…kind of like we have the same birthday…but not really. Because you know what you are to me!


    Anyhow – I am so excited for you and your family – you know this. I dont want to guess about the sex of the baby but I am going to pray every single day of my life that it is a girl…I know you kind of need that. 🙂 But a boy will be fabulous too. Ok – I just said that because that is what you are supposed to say. 🙂 Ok – Love you!

  5. WOW! I was NOT expecting that! Congrats! I have had the baby-bug lately but I will just live vicariously through you. I am sending all of my girl-making dust your way!

  6. Friendly blog stalker and fellow Mom of 2 boys here – I’ve been following you and your adorable family since California and I just had to step out of anonymity to say CONGRATULATIONS! What a great post – I got goosebumps!

  7. That was so sweet! I was wondering when this post would be made!!! You know what my guess is for the sex! Hee! Hee! But, I am kinda biased. I definitely think boys are the BEST.


  8. yay! congrats. i have always loved that song, but you found the most perfect way to use it. and it has to be said…sorry JB, but girls are the best! if it is a girl you are wanting you should talk to susan, she had the two boys and did everything you can think of to have a girl. she stood on her head, lined up the stars, etc. and it worked!

  9. oh my goodness! CONGRATS!!! We are only a week apart, I can’t believe it! I am so excited for you guys. Let’s see, you have 2 boys & I have 2 girls. So hopefully it’ll be pink for you & blue for me. 😉 I’ll be praying for you!

  10. I am so excited for you guys! What a great way to share your news 🙂 I know it has been a long time since we have talked. I would love to catch up sometime. I am expecting baby #2 myself! What a wonderful time in life. Keep the blog going. I miss you and love keeping up with what you and your precious family are up to.

  11. Megan, this little video is too cute for words, I love it! Curious to know what the little one will be, boy or girl? Good luck with your pregnancy! Linda from Classyscrappers

  12. congratulations! I haven’t been up to speed on blogs lately and pleasantly found this video. You do such a good job of being a sporty fun mom. My guess is BOY.

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