It’s 4:00 a.m.

I am wide awake. What’s up with that?
Logan tip-toed into our room at 2:30. He needed some ice water. I thought I would fall right back asleep, and even pick up my dream where it left off. Nope. Not this time. I laid there. I closed my eyes. Relaxed. Rolled over. Again and again. Silently wished Derek would stop breathing so loud. It really wasn’t loud breathing at all, but you know how it is when you can’t sleep. The clock ticking on our bookshelf was deafening. At 3:15, I resigned to being awake and got out of bed. I’ll admit it was the fruit punch calling my name from the fridge. The boys are going to be so sad in the morning when they find out I finished it off. I figured within a few minutes, I would be sleepy and head back to bed. It’s been almost an hour, and here I am, as awake as ever.

Have I told you I started playing the cello again? Have I told you that I ever even played the cello? I started playing in the 5th grade. I chose the cello because my big brother played the cello, and I wanted to be just like him. I stopped playing after my sophomore year of high school. The good orchestra was the same period as volleyball, and I chose volleyball. After I stopped playing, I realized that I actually loved it. Through junior high and high school, it seemed like a nerdy burden. But it turns out I actually really loved it. I haven’t played a note in at least 10 years. I recently found out my mom had purchased a cello sometime during the years I played. I always thought we rented one. My brother had the cello in storage until he moved into his new house, and the last time I was over there, I saw it in the corner and asked to borrow it. It was weird. I have been wanting to pick it back up for so long, and the whole time I didn’t realize that my brother had the cello. I’ve been playing almost every day for the past week or so. I love it, even though I am so, so rusty. But it’s amazing how quickly it’s coming back. I can read the music still. And by read the music, I don’t actually mean read the notes. I have to stop and think about what note it says. I mean when I play my fingers just remember where to go. There are songs I can still play by memory from my orchestra days. It doesn’t sound very pretty yet, but I’m going to keep on practicing. I was feeling a little frazzled this afternoon. (Thursday’s are my most frazzled days for some reason.) So I pulled out my cello and played for 20 minutes. It made me feel better.

I wish I had a picture of me playing the cello back in the day to add to this post.

6 Replies to “It’s 4:00 a.m.”

  1. I hope maybe you got a little sleep before the fam woke up!!

    I wish you had a picture of you back then too! I’m proud of you for picking it back up – that’s so cool!

  2. I hope you got back to sleep, if not, I hope you get a nap in today! I wake up a lot and can’t go back to sleep, it’s very frustrating!

    I love that you’re finding things you enjoy and help keep the tension down- good for you!

    Miss you!

  3. Cello is so relaxing. I got off playing in college because it wasn’t fun any more. I gave up my scholarship (which I paid for later because it was 1/2 tuition) because I didn’t want the stress of playing. After college, I taught lessons a little, and that was fun, but you’re right, it really is cool to just pick it up and see that your fingers remember where to go!

  4. I had the same thing happen with flute. I started playing flute in 5th grade, played in band from 6-10th grade, quit my Junior year of H.S. because of Cheerleading but kept playing in private lessons until I graduated. After I quit, discovered I missed it, and picked it up again last year and had the same “my fingers just remembered what to do” feeling. I played for real for the first time this past december in our church’s Children’s Christmas Musical and had SOOO much fun! I am really hoping that there will be a flute part in the musical again next year!

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