Happy Father’s Day!

Despite how it may look in this picture, these two boys are crazy about their daddy. “Hey guys, let’s take a picture with daddy for Father’s Day” is about as enticing as “hey guys, let’s load up in the car and go get some shots from Dr. Q!” Their serious faces make me laugh…c’mon guys, think about all the cool things daddy does with you!

Think about how he tells you superhero stories every night, even when he is out of town. Think about how he throws you in the pool or jumps off the diving board 832 times just because you ask him to. Think about how he spends at least 20 minutes every night drawing you a picture that corresponds with the story that night, and lovingly leaves it on the table for you to see every morning. What about how he flies you like spiderman or batman, complete with sound effects, to and from the tub every night? And don’t forget about how he never gets tired of answering your questions, and will give you way better answers than I do. He never says “just because that’s how God made it.” He laughs at your nonsensical knock-knock jokes, and takes you on exciting rides around the cul-de-sac. Daddy is always up for watching soccer with your, or even better, playing soccer in the backyard

Connor and Logan, your dad pretty much rocks.

There. That is a little bit better.

You can and will learn so much from him.  You will learn what it means to love a woman, what it means to provide and be a leader, and what it means to be a Christian man.  You will learn how to listen and how to be patient and kind.  You’ll learn that it’s better to give than to receive.  You’ll learn how to put things together the right way the first time, how to make a mean cup of espresso, and exactly how computers work and about all their parts.  You’ll learn how to grill any meat to perfection.  You’ll learn what it means to respect others.  You’ll learn so much from your daddy, just as I know he has learned so much from you.

Now, why don’t you give him a kiss to show him how much you love and appreciate him?

No, C! A kiss, a kiss! But look at your dad. He knows that when you do this or stick your tongue out, it really means “I love you and I think you are the greatest dad in the world.”

Happy Father’s Day!

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