My teeth hurt from all the Jr. Mints

The other night, Derek decided that we needed to do a fire drill with the kids. We started at dinner with a conversation about it. Derek asked the boys what they would do if there was a fire. What would happen? Both boys looked thoughtfully at us. Logan was the first to throw an idea out. With great passion, he exclaimed “I think a superhero will come rescue us!”  Love it.


Connor finally decided he wanted to take the training wheels off his bike yesterday. For about 6 months, they’ve been bent and didn’t even touch the ground. But, they offered him a sense of security, and any time we suggested taking them off, he freaked out. Yesterday, he just decided he was ready. Derek took them off, and he zipped right down the driveway. So typically Connor!

T minus 13 days until Kindergarten. We have started transitioning into school mode this week. Connor needs lot and lots of time to adjust to anything new, and he needs lots and lots of structure. Last week I made two posters, a morning routine one and a bedtime routine one. I’m hoping this (along with picking out his clothes for the week on Sunday) help this next big transition he’s facing. Change and the C-Man have not always meshed very well…and starting school is definitely going to be a big change.


I’m loving the Olympics. Go USA!


And, to wrap this random post up, a few pictures of the Cami-Girl.

I wonder if her eyes are going to stay blue?

It’s exhausting being a baby!

Queen Bow Head

Discovering her hand. She spends a good portion of her awake hours staring at her hands.

7 Replies to “My teeth hurt from all the Jr. Mints”

  1. Camryn is such a cutie. How would of ever guesses that we both would of had girls named Camryn. I see that you call her Cami sometimes. That is what i call my daughter. Would love to see you sometime.
    Carrie (Poore) Auten

  2. Hey! So glad that you found me…I have found a love for blogging, almost too much sometimes.
    Love the pictures of Camryn…she is just so cute! Tell me what area of Houston you live in? I would really love to try and make the effort to see each other. But now that your boys are starting school I don’t know if that will make it better or worse. But I would still love to try.

  3. love the random post, I’ll follow that with a random response. oohhh Kindergarten, very exciting!
    yeah Connor, no training wheels!
    Go USA is right.
    great pictures!!!

  4. I’m sure you hear this from my mom already but she is a Thurman. I find myself going crazy with all the responsiblities that have found their way to my door and then I look at your happy family and the amount of time you must spend keeping it together and I feel better about myself. keep up the good work Meg

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