The one that was supposed to happen yesterday

Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support and prayers.  I know we all have bad days, and it really feels good to know that I am not alone.  Being a mom is hands down the most difficult yet most rewarding job in the world!  If y’all could pray for me next week, I would really appreciate it.  Derek has go to out of town for 10 days, and I admit I am freaking out a little bit about being on my and managing it all.  Derek does more for us all than I ever give him credit for, and the kids and I are all going to miss him next week, that’s for sure!

Today is much better, well, except for the fact that my air conditioner is broken and it’s 85 degrees in my house and climbing.  Yikes!  But everyone is in much happier spirits.  It does help that Connor is at a day camp today, and since Logan woke up super early, I’m pretty much counting on a nice, quiet afternoon.

So, yesterday, my girl turned one month old!  It baffles me how the last month of pregnancy goes by so slowly and the first month of babyhood goes by so quickly.  She is seriously such a good baby.  I am enjoying her newborn phase so much, which is actually different for me.  Newborns are so sweet and little and miraculous, but it’s just really not my favorite.  I’ve never been one of those people who just wants to hold a baby all day and stare at him or her.  And the fussing…the constant eating…not knowing what they need…etc, etc, etc.  But with Camryn, it’s different.  It definitely helps that she is the easiest, most laid back baby I’ve had.  She is an amazing sleeper (she slept from 9:15 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. last night!  Her norm is 9:00-5:00 which is amazing!)  If she fusses, she is either hungry, has to burp, or has poop, and with her, it’s very easy to figure out which it is.  She’s easy to console, and calms down quickly which definitely makes my life so much easier!  She’s content to just hang out in her bouncy seat and watch the activity, except in the late evening when she wants to be cuddled and held.  We just chill out together on the couch and watch the Olympics and she’s happy.   She smiles at us all, and obviously has a lot to say with her “talking”.  I promise I’m not sugar coating this…she really is just an easy, sweet baby!  (I have to write this down, because from what I hear, the emotions and drama start early with girls…I’m sure she won’t always be as sweet and easy as she is right now!)

I am going to do a picture every month with the bow.  If I remember. 🙂

In that second one, she started smiling SO big while I was fiddling with my camera.  I took the picture as quickly as I could, and it’s just really not a good angle.  But I love her big, fat smile!

How sweet is that?  Connor loves Camryn, and she loves him right back.

Happy one month birthday, baby girl!

(p.s. in the time it took me to write this post, the temperature went from 85 to 87.  I hope the ac people call soon!  Thank goodness I’m not pregnant anymore!)

8 Replies to “The one that was supposed to happen yesterday”

  1. ohhh, I feel for you! heat is not good when it is inside your house!!!! she is adorable, and I can’t believe that she is already 1 month!

  2. Love the pics, Camryn is adorable.
    Hope your AC is fixed very quickly today.
    I’m envious that she is sleeping so well at night already…prayerfully my guy will get there VERY soon.

  3. Oh she is just gorgeous! Its okay…some days as a mummy do suck, but then they smile like that pic, and melt your heart!!! I’ll be praying, my dh is due to leave for work soon too…I’ll be begging for prayers as well! LOL

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