The one with all three

Connor lost his third tooth today!  After weeks and weeks of wiggling and updates in percentage form, he finally declared it 1000% loose and asked me to pull it.  Here comes the snaggle tooth stage…once that bad boys grow in, I know it’s going to be way too big for his face!

(picture by Cindi)

You all know Logan’s going through a bit of a princess phase right now.  He took it one step farther at Abby’s birthday party last weekend!  For the record, no, Derek and I don’t mind.  No, I don’t think he’s going to be gay because at 3 years old he has a thing for princesses.  We think it’s pretty darn funny! Now, if he is like 10 and wants to wear dresses all the time…we would have to draw the line.  And we aren’t out buying a bunch of princess toys and dress up stuff.  But, when the opportunity presents itself, I have no problem with him dressing up like a princess.  I love the batman crocs and the scabbed up legs to go with his princess garb!

The real family princess had her two month check-up yesterday.  She weighed in at 12 pounds 7 ounces (73rd percentile and my smallest at two months old) and she is 25.5 inches long (the 99th percentile and my tallest at two months old!)  She had her first round of shots, which of course made her none too happy.  A few things about Cam at two months…
–she is still so happy and so laid back. She’s my easiest baby by far.
–she sleeps 11 hours at night! This just started a few nights ago, but even before then she was sleeping 9 hours.
–Logan likes to call her Camry in a cute little sing-songy voice.
–She is absolutely enamored with Connor. So sweet.
–She spits up. A lot.
–She and Logan are officially sharing a room, and it’s going great.
–She still loves her bouncy chair, swing, and is starting to sit in her bumbo.
–Besides the Cam, Cami, and Camry nicknames, I call her monkey girl, bubba girl, and bubba sister.
–she has brought our little family so much joy, and we are so blessed to have her!

6 Replies to “The one with all three”

  1. So cute! I still love the bow pictures, that bow doesn’t look quite as big as it used to. And the pictures of the boys are great! Glad things are getting back to normal.

  2. If I were drinking water, it would probably be squirting out of my nose right now because I am laughing so hard at that picture of Logan in his princess outfit!!! And, I’m so in agreement with you.

    Adam still has a pink wall in his bedroom because he had such a fit when we painted his room red. The compromise was to let him have one Pepto-Bismol pink wall (the wall you can’t see from the hallway, of course!). He wants it red now, but who has the time?!!

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