
It was cold this morning. Well, Houston cold, which means it was in the 40s and the high is only in the 50s. Luckily I have this little cuddle bug to make us all feel warm and fuzzy!

Those cheeks are just about my favorite thing in the world.  They are the softest, mushiest, happiest little cheeks.

And another picture from yesterday, just for good measure.

Onto other things….

I’m having a really blah day. A really blah week, to be exact. We are all still getting over the snot crud, which means that I’m not sleeping as well mostly because the princess is not sleeping as well. And when I get tired, I tend to get ugly. Derek had to work really late Tuesday night, then left super early Wednesday for a business trip. He got in late last night, and won’t be home tonight because of his company Christmas party. He’s the head of the party committee. (Any of you who know Derek in real life are probably laughing right now. But it’s true. He’s in charge of the Christmas party.) He gets to stay in the hotel, and the plan was for me to go and for us to have a night away. Didn’t work out. It’s a lot to ask someone to watch 3 kids, especially when the littlest doesn’t necessarily sleep all night long. So I’m home with the kids alone for the 4th night this week, and Derek is at a party that he probably wouldn’t be going to unless he had to, especially without me. Big fat bummer.

When Derek is gone, I get flustered and overwhelmed which means I eat more junk which means that I’ve gained back 3 of the 6 pounds I lost, which then makes me feel like a failure, and I just spiral down into a pit of self-loathing, which I hate because I know I shouldn’t feel that way about myself, I know that I am a beautiful woman of God, but the you’re just not good enough voice in my head is loud this week.

My house is a mess.  I want to want to decorate for Christmas, but all I’ve managed to do is have D drag the boxes out of the attic, which just makes the house even messier and more cluttered.  It’s a lot of work, the whole decorating thing, because it’s not just decorating, it’s also dusting.  And at the end of every day, all I do sit and waste time on the computer or watching tv because that is all I have the energy to do.

In conclusion, I declare myself an official grinch this week.

(p.s. did you see my new blog look?  I am thinking of some other ways to tweak it, but for now, the new look makes me happy.)

7 Replies to “Cozy”

  1. OK first off, your girl is too stinkin’ cute! Those cheeks look edible.

    Sorry your honey has been away so much. I totally understand so much of what you shared. My “your not so great” voice yells pretty loud a lot of the time. I’ll be praying for you & that next week is just a complete opposite of this week. You’ll be happy, feel beautiful (like the girl you really are) and have that desire to decorate your house. You know your gonna love it when your done 😉

    Hang in there woman, God is your strength, just ask him for an extra helping tonight.

    I’m likin’ the new look of your blog.

  2. I love the picture where Camryn is blowing a bubble.

    As for the bummer week…hopefully it’s just the post-Thanksgiving blues.

  3. What a cutie! Kate has that same striped outfit in the next size up and can’t wait for her to grow into it.

    You need to go read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. I remind myself of this verse daily. For now, this IS OUR season. It too will change. For now my season includes unfixed hair, a messy house, no time for me, being late, spit up on the clothes, middle of the night feedings, etc. But that is MY season. It will change just like all of the other seasons, so knowing it is temporary and that it is what I am called to be for know helps me deal with it. Hope your blah’s get better and you get some time with your hubby!

  4. I totally hear ya on the Christmas decor. We’ve been doing it VERY slowly here. Thursday put up the tree (just the bare tree). Yesterday put on half the lights (yeah, the other half are bad and we need to buy more). Today maybe we’ll do more…but we have the crud now too and all I feel like doing is wasting time online while laying on the couch!!!

  5. Derek is in charge of what?????!!?!?!
    Very funny. I am sure he did a great job though.

    Anyhow – just love that baby girl. Wish I could love on her right now.

    And I love this layout…so fun!

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