My Middle (and I don’t mean my belly.)

My middle baby turned 4 years old today.  In fact, at this exact moment 4 years ago, I was 45 minutes away from meeting my second son.  I was deep in the throws of epidural bliss.  I had no idea that I was quickly going from a 5 to 10 and that I would be pushing soon.  I remember getting all situated and flipping the channel to watch Oprah only to feel the pressure.  It only took a few minutes of pushing before we welcomed sweet Logan Bennett into the world.  What a great 4 years it’s been!

He is such a joy.  All of my children bring me joy in different ways, but Logan’s exerburance and zest for life is absolutely contagious.  He is seriously hilarious and keeps me laughing all the time.  He doesn’t just walk through life or watch from the sidelines, he runs and plunges in head first.  He is in constant motion from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed.  He is fearless.

He is such a dichotemy.  He is all boy in the way he plays and the way he acts, but he is also the sweetest, most affectionate little love bug.  He doesn’t necessarly want to cuddle…oh no, that would require that he be still for a period of time.  But he is full of hugs and kisses.  Good-byes take awhile with him because he has to give a hug and then a kiss.  And then a running, leaping, knock down hug, and then another kiss somewhere random like the elbow.  And then he needs to blow several kisses and catch several back.  Finally, he has to come out to the car for one last hug and kiss and then wave and blow kisses from the end of the driveway until the car is out of sight.  He’s got a very similar routine at bedtime.  He gives and recieves no less than 10 hugs and kisses every single night.

Happy Birthday, my sweet Logie B!  It is an honor and a joy to be your mother.  I thank God every day for you, and I pray that you always keep your joy, your sweet spirit, and that you grow in His image and always love Him wholeheartedly.  You are the greatest middle boy I could ever ask for.

Now slow down on the growing, okay?  It’s just going by way too fast!

P.S. All of the amazing pictures in this post were taken by Cindi.  She is the best!
P.P.S. Logan wants pancakes for his birthday dinner. Love his choice.

6 Replies to “My Middle (and I don’t mean my belly.)”

  1. It is amazing how much more Logan resembles Connor the older he gets. You have such handsome boys. But even better, they make me laugh and that’s really the best quality you can have, the ability to make people laugh!

  2. Happy Birthday Logan!!!!!!! I hope that you enjoyed your day!!!! Time flies, doesn’t it, Megan? I cannot believe how big Camryn is already! It seems like I was just following your pregnancy!!!!

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