I sort of like the smell of bleach

The time has come.  The day is upon me.  I can no longer turn a blind eye. Today I am dedicating myself to hard core cleaning my shower.

Now, first of all, let me just say that I clean my house.  Almost every day, I do something.  My bathroom gets cleaned once a week.  I mop the floors, clean the toilet, wipe the counter, clean the mirror, and wipe down the bathtub and shower.  When wiping down the shower, I very deliberately ignore the moldy caulk, the rusty corners, and the soap scum covered doors.  But really, I can’t ignore this problem area forever, and today is the big day.

Camryn, Logan, and I hit up Wal-Mart for the essentials, which included these Glam Gloves.  Surely, this task that lies before me will be more fun with pink gloves.  Surely.

If you don’t hear from me for awhile, maybe someone can call and check on me.  I’m going to be deep in the land of bleach fumes.  (But not bleach and amonia mixed, right Noel?)

And on a totally unrelated note, I would like to say that I got 5 mosquito bites up and down my legs yesterday.  The kicker?  Yesterday, I wore jeans.  That sucker was totally uninvited and I hope he died a slow, painful death.

3 Replies to “I sort of like the smell of bleach”

  1. You are so funny! And I HATE cleaning bathrooms altogether and also ignore the soap scum, mold, etc. I keep hoping it just magically disappears but it hasn’t happend yet. Maybe one day…..

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