We have internet!

What a nice surprise! This entire condo is surprising. It’s way bigger and nicer than I imagined! Derek and I were joking last night that it’s bigger than any of the places we lived in California. It’s only 1 bedroom, but the living area, entry way, kitchenette, and bathroom are all huge. And it’s right on the golf course and it’s all pretty and Niceville-ish outside. Gorgeous. And, it’s supposed to be perfect weather all week! We are going to have so much fun.

The much anticipated car ride went really well. Way better than I had envisioned. We were on the road at 5:05 a.m. We had two quick stops (quick is a relative term…there really isn’t anything quick about stopping with kids.) We stopped for about an hour and a half at the Battleship Park in Alabama. We arrived here yesterday at around 4:30. Actual drive time was about 9 and a half hours. Not too bad at all! The kids watched movies, slept a little, colored, etc. There were only a few moments of tension, but that is to be expected.

I won’t bore you with any more of these details. I’ll just share some pics of our adventures so far.

The USS Alabama

Really huge bomber plane. Derek says its a B-52D.

Chasing seabirds never gets old!

Feeding the birds at Battleship Park

Happy Connor


Three Happy Boys

Logan is a fearless jumper

C is so cute when he cooperates for pictures!

That was an obnoxious amount of pictures. But can a blog post ever have too many pics?

7 Replies to “We have internet!”

  1. So glad you got there and are having a blast!!! I was thinking about you and your trip today so I decided to check your blog (which by the way I tend to stalk, but not in a freaky way or anything) Love the pics of the boys with the seagulls! Have fun this week!

  2. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun! I guess your prayers were answered about the trip there. Isn’t God good?

    Juli Beth

  3. I am surfing your blog because I didn’t think you’d be back! I’m glad I did cause now I get ot see your trip! You can post more pics if ya want!!!

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