mish mash

Thanks for all the neti pot stories. I actually never made it to the store to get one. I think tomorrow while I am out and about, I will pick one up. I am happy to report that after 12 days of sinus congestion misery, I am a little better today. But I still want to try out the neti pot-I’m curious to see if it makes a difference!

I have discovered a new pet peeve. Last night, as Derek was making his lunch (have I ever mentioned that he eats the exact same thing every day for lunch, and has for years and years? PBJ, chips, and an apple. Every. Single. Day.) Anyway, he was making his sandwich and commented on the fact that I opened a new jar of PB but the old one wasn’t gone. He thought it was an oversight on my part. That’s when it hit me. It was not an oversight. I did it on purpose because I cannot stand when peanut butter gets to the bottom of the jar and I get pb on the handle of the knife and on my hand. I can’t stand it so much that I will open a new jar of peanut butter just to avoid it. One of Derek’s many responsibilities now is to finish off almost-empty jars of peanut butter. Luckily, he gets me and agreed to finish of the peanut butter. Thank goodness, or my pantry might someday be taken over by almost empty jars.

When I was pregnant with Connor, I went to the hospital when I was 22 weeks with pre-term labor. When I was pregnant with Logan, I went to the hospital at 31 weeks with kidney stones. This time I made it to 34 weeks before a hospital visit. I went to my normal doctor appointment this morning. The heartbeat was good, I’m measuring good, everything was fine. Then we start talking about fetal movements. Baby girl is just not a very active baby-at least compared to her spastic older brother. Sometimes I will get worried about her lack of activity, but then I just lay down, drink something, and she starts kicking. But today I had not felt her at all. After some discussion, I was sent over to the hospital for some monitoring and an ultrasound, just to make sure that everything was okay. I dropped the boys off at a friends house (thank goodness for friends who can help out in a pinch! I don’t know what I would have done without my friend Laura today.) I headed in to get monitored. Her heart rate was normal, but it was a little flat. They wanted to see more accelerations with activity. Then I had an ultrasound, and everything looked good, but she just wasn’t moving very much (at all, really. In a span of almost 2 hours, I only felt 2 kicks.) The whole time I was on the monitors, I was contracting. Nothing regular, nothing painful, but they were there. So they were also watching that. After the ultrasound, I got hooked back up to the monitors, and I was having contractions every 4-5 minutes. At that point, I started to get just a tiny bit worried. I had been drinking lots of juice and water, so I knew I wasn’t dehydrated. What if I was in pre-term labor? I ended up getting checked, and thank goodness everything is closed up, just like it should be. And thank goodness I got to go home with a clean bill of health all around. Baby girl looks good and will thankfully keep on baking. As much as I am ready to not be pregnant anymore, I am not ready for her to be here yet! She definitely needs to bake another month or so!

In other baby girl news, she still doesn’t have a name. Why is it so hard to pick one this time?

Connor is going to a day camp tomorrow, which means I will have several hours in the afternoon to work on painting the nursery while Logan sleeps. I am excited to see it all come together! Since my post 2 days ago, I have changed my mind again on the paint. I have never had this hard of a time choosing paint before. My goal is to have everything finished and put together this weekend. I should probably mention that goal to my husband…without his help, there is no way it will happen!

3 Replies to “mish mash”

  1. Baby girl will be in my prayers tonight! Makes me just a little nervous. Maybe she is just a really calm baby though..that would be GREAT!! I am with you on the PB!

  2. That’s so funny…now that you mentions it, it’s one of my PP’s too. *gasp*. I do not like getting p.b. on my hand or the knife either. Very funny…hey you learn something new everyday…even about yourself LOL. hee hee
    Thank the Lord lil baby girl is safe and healthy.

  3. So glad everything is fine with baby girl! If it helps, we can’t seem to decide on a boys name either…is it a 3rd child thing, or having something (boy/girl) you’ve never had before? hmm…
    Love the PB thing because I am right there with you, I can’t stand it on my hands.

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