To whomever finds her umbilicus

I apologize if you are the lucky (or unlucky…) person to find my daughters umbilical cord. When we left for church this morning, her cord was still attached. Upon arriving home, I discovered that it was gone. The only clue is a tiny little black mark on the inside of her dress when it must have hung on before falling to the ground. Or onto my friend Karyn who held her the entire morning. I know I would be pretty grossed out to find an umbilical cord.

Other things about Camryn that I have learned/want to remember…
-she likes to be swaddled with her arms out. She gets quite pissy if her arms are not free while she sleeps.
-she is a good little sleeper, typically with one 4-5 hour stretch at night plus lots and lots of naps during the day.
-she is a super efficient eater, just like the boys. She is serious about eatin’ time!
-she is cuddly and really loves to be held (I suppose that’s probably true for most newborns.)
-she likes to be held up on my shoulder.
-she complains when she has a dirty diaper. The boys never cared about sitting in their poop, but Camryn will actually get fussy about a dirty diaper. What a little princess!
-she can sleep through anything. I mean anything. Slamming doors, the dog barking, the boys fighting…she has yet to be startled awake from the noise level in our house.
-I still can’t decide if she looks more like Connor or Logan. When she cries, it’s all Logan. But when she sleeps, she gets this little furrowed brow that is totally Connor. I think she has more of Derek/Logan’s eyes, and more of my/Connor’s mouth. Not sure about the nose yet.

And just because posts are better with pictures, here is one. Thurman, party of 5…

4 Replies to “To whomever finds her umbilicus”

  1. Megan!! Much love and congratulations to you and your family! I cannot believe it’s been SO long since I’ve stumbled upon your blog!! I can’t believe you have a sweet little baby girl!! I’m so happy for you!! Your family is precious!! xo.

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