It’s been a long time.

This morning, Logan, Camryn, and I met up with Annalee, Adelaide, Tricia, Sam, and Micah at the zoo.  It was so fun!  It is so beautiful outside today and the zoo was practically empty.  The kids ran around (well, the ones that run), and we got to visit.  We are going to do monthly playdates (hear that girls?!  I’m holding us to it!)

Anywho, while we were there, we talked about naps, which I have found is a really common conversation to be had among mamas.  Logan doesn’t nap anymore.  The end of the napping era started when we took away Logan’s paci back in June. Then Camryn was born, and I completely went into survival mode which meant I did not have it in me to fight about nap time. I started letting him go on my bed, which led to playing on my bed, which led to just watching tv on my bed.  That’s what he does every afternoon now, and it works great.  I get at least a 25 minute break in between conversations, and the bonus is he goes to bed really early.   So we talked about this today, about how Logan doesn’t nap, and lo and behold he fell asleep in the car on the way home from the zoo!  So he is conked out in the carseat (I don’t dare move him.  I know he will wake up, so I just parked the car in the closed garage and left it running…oh wait, I’m not trying to poison my child.  It’s cool today, so I closed the garage door, turned the car off, opened all the windows, and left the door to the house open so I can hear him when he wakes up.  Today I am very thankful that we are able to park our cars in the garage!)  Now here’s the really glorious part.  Camryn is asleep too. Folks, I have just fully attained the wonderful pastime known as the nap overlap.  Nap overlap is what got me through the first year of having 2 kids.  I love the nap overlap with my whole heart, and it’s been far too long since I’ve gotten to experience one!  So now I am sitting here in complete silence, drinking a Dr. Pepper and wondering what I should do with this??  I don’t want to start laundry…what if it wakes one up??  We cleaned the house yesterday for small group, and besides, I think it’s against the rules to clean the house during nap overlap.  I don’t even want to turn on the tv for fear that this will end!  I think I’ll go scrapbook.  It’s been a lovely Monday here at the Thurman abode.  I hope all of yours are just as lovely!

P.S. I would take a picture of Logan sleeping in the car, but I am way too scared that the flash would wake him up.

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