I’m a very rational person

We have been having the most disgusting humidity lately.  It’s sweltering outside, and it’s rained a lot, but the rain just makes it more and more humid.  I’m so over it, along with every other person who lives in the Houston area.

It’s midnight right now, and still 81 degrees outside.  It was in the mid-nineties today.

The mosquitoes are terrible.  They are they worst I ever remember them being since we moved here 4 years ago.  I hear the mosquito killing trucks driving around, but they are not even making a dent in the mosquito population.

All that leads me into why I am up blogging at 12:06 a.m.

Sometime around 10:15, I doze off on the couch.

At 10:30, I wake up, do my final check of the kids and the doors, brush my teeth and climb in bed.  I turn on HGTV and watch the last 20 minutes of First Time Homebuyers.  I think see and hear a few mosquitoes buzzing around, but I try to ignore them.  I am sort of a freak about bugs at bedtime, and 9 times out of 10, it’s nothing.

At 11:00, I switch the channel to watch an old episode of Laguna Beach, which is just as stupid as it was the first time around.  And just like first time it aired, I find myself unexplainably hooked and staying up late almost every night just to see what happens next in the Kristin/Stephen/LC drama.

The mosquitoes are still buzzing around.  I feel like there might be one in the sheets, eating my legs.  I try my best to convince myself it’s all in my head.

At 11:30, I call it a night and turn off the t.v. to go to sleep.  I spend the next 30 minutes pretending to be asleep so hopefully at some point I will actually be asleep.  My forehead starts to itch.  And my eyebrow starts to itch.  It’s all in you head, Meg, I tell myself repeatedly.

Finally, at 12:07, I hear the unmistakable buzz of a bug in my ear and jump out of bed, strike my best fighting pose, and stand ready to kill the stupid mosquito that’s apparently not only in my head, but actually exists in real life.

And the phantom itching on my forehead?  Oh, not so phantom.  I have 3 huge mosquito bites on my face.  Awesome.   As if it isn’t cool enough that I’m almost 30 and still have zits, now I have giant mosquito bites adding that special touch.

Just to add insult to injury, now there is no sign of the mosquito that’s been tormenting me all night.  He’s probably off in the corner hanging out with the cockroach and the gecko that are scheming about how to climb into my bed. Or my shoes.  Or my ears.  All very rational fears of mine.

4 Replies to “I’m a very rational person”

  1. I am right there with you! We went outside this morning to wave to Wes, all of 3 minutes and the boys both have 5 bites each! It is terrible!

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