One, Two, Three

I’ve let another month go by without blogging!  I have the best intentions of making time to blog again, but it’s just not happening.  I definitely have a great excuse, and I won’t complain.  But maybe, just maybe, 2013 will be the Year I Start to Blog Again.  There is much to write about…Christmas, our trip to San Fransisco, Connor’s birthday, and more.  But today I’m just going to share about Sullivan since this blog is kind of like a baby book.

Sullivan went to the doctor today for a 3 month weight check.  He’s still a tiny peanut, weighing in at 9 pounds, 15.5 ounces.  You should have seen the nurse and I rooting the scale on to 10 pounds, but it just didn’t make it there.  I can’t believe I have a three month old who weighs less than a lot of kids at birth!  He is finally out of his newborn clothes and diapers, but only because he is too long.  While he is tiny, he’s holding steady on his own growth curve, so that’s good, although my doctor does keep hoping to see a big jump in his weight.  We discovered at two months that he has a diary intolerance, which means I’ve had to cut all dairy from my diet since he is nursing.  It was hard at first (diary is hidden in so many things!), but now it’s pretty easy except when we go out to eat.  I’ve discovered some yummy treats that are dairy free like Oreo cookies and Ghirardelli double chocolate brownies.  I eat a lot of hummus and pita chips, Oatmeal Squares cereal, turkey sandwiches with mustard, and fruit and veggies (well, sometimes I eat a lot of veggies.  I have the best intentions, but I’m still kind of like a little kid when it comes to vegetables.)  Sullivan definitely acts happier and is more comfortable since we have gone dairy free.  He eats about every 3 hours during the day, and in the past few weeks has started sleeping 7-8 hours at night (from 11:00-7:00 or so).  Hurray for sleep!  He seems to be pretty laid back and go with the flow, which is just what you need in a 4th baby, right?!  He tags along with us anywhere and everywhere and rarely gets fussy about it.  What a champ!  The big kids are crazy about him.  They love to hold him can carry him around.  Camryn is a huge helper and seems to love her role as big sister.

I’ve gone 3 for 3 with month by month pictures!  Okay, so the 2 and 3 month photos were a few days late, but still!  I’m thinking I might actually keep up with this for the whole year.

I’m feeling especially sentimental about this little guy.  I drove past the hospital today on the way to our appointment.  It feels like just yesterday that Derek and I spent half and hour trying to park and get into the hospital in the wee hours that Sunday morning for my induction.  The hospital was under construction, and the first door we tried was locked, so we went to the emergency side only to find that there were no parking spots available.  Then once I finally got inside (Derek ended up dropping me off while he found parking), I couldn’t figure out how to get to maternity since I had only ever gone there from a different entrance.  I waddled around, half asleep, until Derek finally caught up with me and helped me find my way.   But at the same time, I can hardly remember what it was like before Sullivan came along.  It’s like he’s always been here.  Maybe I’m sentimental knowing that he is our last.  Maybe it’s because it’s Christmas, or because my oldest just turned 10 and I can hardly believe that I’ve been doing this mothering thing for a decade.  It’s probably all of those things.  I just can’t believe that my first baby is 10 and my last baby is 3 months (which I realize 3 months is not a long time at all, but it’s going by so fast!)  All I know is that I am so glad this little guy joined our family and that God blessed us with another baby.  I’ve always wanted a big family, and even though there are times that I want to run away and hide in a place where I can be alone and not have anyone demanding anything from me, I know I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.

End of sappy blogging, I promise.  More to come?  Hopefully so.  But for now, the little guy needs to eat.  The mom break is over. 🙂

Sweet with a side of silly {Clear Lake TX Family Photographer}

I absolutely love my sessions with this family!  The girls are just the perfect mix of sweet and spunky, and at each one of the sessions I’ve done with them, the girls have made me squeal at the cuteness and sigh at the sweetness.  In fact, when my own daughter saw these pictures, she said that she wished she had 3 sisters.  It’s not going to happen for her…much to her dismay, she’s stuck with 3 brothers.  But even without a sister of her own, she recognizes that there is something so special about sisters.  I feel so lucky to have watched these three grow up over the past couple of years.

Speaking of lucky, M is one lucky guy to be surrounded by such beauty!  I love the dynamic in families where dad is lone man standing.  There is just nothing sweeter.

I’ve been taking pictures of this little cutie since she was just a bald little 4 month old!  And now she is a full fledged kiddo.  She tries her very best to keep up with her big sisters, and definitely wants to do everything by herself.  I love two year olds.  They are always so full of energy and fun, and L was no exception!

Since I’m a middle child myself, I always love the middles.  L keeps everyone on their toes, and know she brings a lot of personality and laughter to her family.  She’s delightful!

And last but certainly not least, the oldest of the bunch.  She has grown up so much since last year, and she is beautiful!  When I look at this picture, I can just see the beautiful young lady she is becoming. She has the most amazing blue eyes!

It’s always hard for me to end my sessions with these girls.  I just have so much fun with them!  But eventually, we call it a wrap, usually when we start getting more and more photos like this.

Nothing says fun like a case of the full-fledged sillies!  It’s my favorite way end a session.

The real deal {Clear Lake TX Family Photographer}

I met this family on the most perfect Houston morning.  It was gorgeous outside!  And this family was equally as gorgeous.  I love my job, and one my favorite parts is getting to meet new families.

Sweet, sweet sisters.  There really is nothing like sisters.  These two were sweet and spunky.

K, the older sister, was the leader and the protector.  I loved her personality and her sweet spirit.


E, the little sister, was a total ham.  She kept me laughing the whole session, and I’m sure that she adds a lot of spice to her family.

Thanks so much for the great session!  Y’all are such a beautiful, kind, and fun family, and I loved getting to meet y’all!

the stuff of dreams

Before I had kids, I always pictured myself as that stay at home mom who loved to bake with her kids.  I really do enjoy baking (hello, cookie dough.  I love you forever and ever.)  But baking with my kids?  Not so much.  The boys burst that bubble long ago.  Connor had pretty much zero interest in helping in kitchen.  I can remember one time baking cupcakes with him and it being an enjoyable thing.  The other times he either lost interest immediately, or just refused to even be a part of it.  Logan has always had a little more interest, but Logan didn’t earn the name captain disaster as a toddler for nothing.  Plus he isn’t known for having the world’s longest attention span.  For the past several years, I’ve done all of the baking on my own, sometimes maybe even discouraging little helpers from “helping”, knowing full well that it just ends in frustration each and every time.  Baking with my kids definitely goes on the list of those things that are way more fun in theory than in reality.

But then along came Camryn.  She loves to help in the kitchen, and most of the time (especially if the boys aren’t home), she is actually pretty helpful.  Who knew that baking with kids could actually be fun!  I think Camryn has been feeling a little displaced ever since Sullivan came along.  I suppose it’s to be expected since she was the baby of the family for four years.  She loves Sullivan and is a great helper, and she never takes any frustration out on him.  But we’ve definitely seen a lot more whining, crying, and bad attitudes over the past month.  So one day last week, I decided that Camryn and I needed to bake together. When I told her that we were going to bake cookies, you would have thought it was Christmas morning.  She was so excited!

I decided I wanted to bake Annalee’s sugar cookies.  I love these cookies!  They stay nice and soft, which I love.

After asking me all morning when we were going to start, it was finally time.  (not to self.  Next time wait until it’s actually the start time to talk about baking.)

As you can see, she was thrilled.

She even put on her apron for the occasion.

She kept a careful eye on the mixing progress.

Then it was time for my personal favorite part.  Taste testing the dough is imperative!

We both gave it two thumbs up.

She decided she wanted to make heart shaped cookies.  You know, since it’s November and all.

Then, much to her dismay, we paused our cookie making fun at this point.  It was time for lunch and naps and feeding Sullivan.  It was much later that afternoon before we got to the decorating part.

By then, Logan was home from school and got to join in the fun.  This was the perfect amount of involvement for him.

He decorated about 3 cookies and than ran off in search of better things.

She was so pleased with her finished product.  Would you like some cookie with your sprinkles?

It was a great afternoon.  It was the kind of baking experience I always dreamed about having with my kids.  I’m so thankful for this spunky little girl and the girly-ness she brings to our all boy home.

P.S.  I think I am still cleaning up sprinkles off my table and floor.

sweet and serious {Clear Lake Texas Baby Photographer}

I was so excited to head back out and spend the morning with sweet baby K again.  We did a session at 4 months old, and we’ll do another one after she turns one.  It’s so fun to watch her grow!  She is just so precious.  She loves to show of her serious side, and her mom and I definitely had to work hard for her smiles.  She’s a sweet, serious, and busy little one!  She learned to crawl, pulled up, and tried to cruise all before sitting up!  She is way to busy exploring her world to waste time just sitting around.  Of course, that made this session a bit of a challenge, but I personally love a busy baby, especially one who is this cute.

I can’t wait to see you guys again in just a few months!

I love Instagram

Lately, it’s all about the iphone pics for me.  Maybe someday I’m going to regret that I didn’t take more pictures with my real camera, but my phone is just so easy and convenient.  And I love Instagram (megan_thurman if you are on there and want to follow.)  It’s become my go-to social media app, and I share way more often on there than on Facebook or Twitter.

Since Sullivan’s birth, I’ve taken over 300 cell phone pictures.  Not all of Sullivan, but probably most of them involve him in some way.  Here are just a few of my faves.

Just born.  I think he was maybe an hour old here and it reminds me so much of Logan.

The whole gang.  Still hard to believe that I am a mom to all these kids!

Hanging out in the hospital.  I might be weird, but I love the hospital stay after I give birth.  It’s relaxing!

First walk to the bus stop.  I think this was on day 4 or 5.

One week old.

A very Connor face!  Sometimes I think he looks just like Logan, and other times just like Connor.  The fact of the matter is, our kids all favor each other.

The kids ask for Sullivan to tuck them in every night.  I love this pic of Sully and Connor so much!  The big kids are all so sweet to Sullivan.

See?  So sweet!

See that real smile from Logan?  I hardly ever get a real smile on camera, but he flashed it no problem while holding Sullivan.

Happy Birthday to Derek!  The four are so lucky to have him.

My friend Penny took this picture of Sullivan at bunco.  The forehead wrinkles and the hair are too much!  I love them!

Sullivan is like her real life doll.  She loves to pick out his clothes, and clearly her own as well.  I get such a kick out of the outfits she puts together.

Mom and Nick came into town for Nick’s high school reunion.  Mamaw was more than happy to give out some cuddles at Chipotle.

The fuzz head.  He has so much hair compared to the other kids.  It stands straight up like that no matter what, and I love it.

And one more.  This is my favorite picture of the 4 of them together because it’s so them.  It’s going to be a crazy ride with these guys!

One Month

I would say it’s hard to believe that Sullivan is already one month old, and part of me is amazed that a month has gone by already.  But maybe I’ve just come to terms with the fact that time is flying, so it doesn’t seem as mind boggling that he’s a month old.  Some parts of this month have honestly dragged by.  But I know that I will look back in a few years (or maybe even sooner) and wistfully remember the beginning days, and I’ll marvel at the fact that he’s already so big.  Time is funny like that, I think especially when it comes to raising kids.

So at one month old, Sullivan weighed in at a whopping 6 pounds 6 ounces.  To compare with the other kids, they were all over 9 pounds at one month old.  Sullivan totally looks like a newborn still.  When we are out and about, the number one comment is always about his hair, quickly followed by questions about how old he is, how big he is, and how big he was at birth.  While he is definitely still a little peanut of a guy, he has officially outgrown preemie diapers (that happened at about 2 weeks old), and now his preemie clothes are all too small.  I squeezed him into one of my favorite preemie onesies for the last time today.  From here on out, we are fully in newborn clothes!

Easy things about Sullivan so far:

-He’s so portable.  He goes anywhere and everywhere.  He’s been to two outdoor soccer games, two indoor soccer games, a swim meet, soccer practices, swim team practices, the movies, the elementary school for lunch and the book fair, the pumpkin patch, and more.  He’s great in the car, great in the car seat, and great in the sling.

-He’s a good sleeper, content to sleep just about anywhere as long as he’s swaddled up really tightly.  He even sleeps good in his bassinet.  Of course, like most newborns, he wanted to sleep more during the day than at night, especially at first, but now at night he does pretty well, giving us a solid 4-5 stretch between feedings.  In fact, while he’s getting better about this, I have to wake him up a lot to eat during the day and even at night.  I never ever woke up the other kids at night, but they were also not 5 pounds.  As much as I would love to let him sleep (and a few night I haven’t heard my alarm and I’ll awake with a start after 6 plus hours!), he really needs to eat and grow.  On our typical nights lately, he nurses at about 10:00, between 2:00 and 3:00, and again between 5:00 and 6:00.

-He’s so darn loveable and cute and the kids are crazy about him!  They are all willing to help out, and they all want to snuggle and hold him daily.  It’s really sweet.

Not-so-easy things about Sullivan so far:

-He is hands down, no question, my laziest and slowest eater ever.  Nursing takes forever.  He falls asleep constantly.  Not such a big deal, I guess, except that I have 3 other little people needing me.  Plus I don’t really love nursing but I love that it’s free and I know it’s the best thing for him.  But it’s draining to spend 8-10 hours (or more) a day feeding him.

-This doesn’t really have to do with Sullivan exactly, but my day usually starts after his 5:00 a.m. feeding because by the time he is done eating, it’s nearly time for the big kids to get up and get ready for school. There is always sleep deprivation with newborns.  I totally expected it.  But, it’s at an all time high this time around.  On a good night I’ll get about 6 hours of broken up sleep.  And there is definitely no sleeping during the day while he sleeps.  I tried to take a nap one day and failed miserably.  There are too many other things that need my attention for me to relax and nap during the day.  The good thing is I can (most of the time) keep this part in perspective.  He will eventually sleep through the night, and I really think that will happen just as soon as we can get a few more pounds on him.

-Hello, crazy emotions!  I’m always a bit of a basket case after giving birth.  And I’m not sure if it’s worse this time, or if I’ve just forgotten what I was like the other times.  But I think I’ve shed more tears in the last month than I have in the last 4 years combined.  I *think* I’m coming out of it, and on good days, it seems the crying is behind me.  It almost always happens at night, around the time we’re trying to get the kids to bed and Sullivan is cranky and I’m exhausted.  It’s so completely overwhelming.  What’s crazy about it is I realize how nuts it is, and yet it’s completely uncontrollable.  A lot of times, Derek and I will be laughing about how ridiculous my emotions are at the same time that I’m crying.  He is a saint for putting up with this time and time again!

So, overall, if I had to sum up the last month, I would say it’s been crazy and busy, filled with laughs and lots and lot of tears.  It’s been overwhelming in both good and not-so-good ways.  But even with the ups and the downs, I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Now for 1 month pictures!  So many of these make me laugh.  The crossed eyes, spazzy arms, and then a sweet little smile.  I love this kid.

Long, skinny chicken legs and the best baby hair ever.

The forehead wrinkles.  Love them.  He looks like such a little old man!

Still working on the whole focusing thing…

Are you laughing yet?  If not, get a load of this one!

He makes this face all the time, especially right before he eats.

And a sweet little grin (fairly sure it was more about gas than me, but it’s still so cute!)

Nice to meet you

It was so fun having family and friends meet Sullivan for the first time.  My mom and Derek’s parents were all at the hospital for the birth, so they were some of the first to meet the newest family member.  Proud grandparents!

I was so excited when the kids arrived to meet their little brother.  They were all so excited to see and to hold Sullivan!

We also had other friends come up to the hospital to visit.  I love hospital visitors, and since Sullivan was born on a Sunday morning, we had lots of friends stop by the hospital that night.  At one point, I think there were about 10 people in the room and the anesthesiologist came by to make sure that the epidural had worn off and I was feeling good.  So of course, we invited him to stay for the party.  It’s such a fun time of celebration, and I was so thankful for our family and friends who celebrated with us!

It’s been 12 days

He is here!  Sullivan Wade, born September 23, weighing in at 5 pounds 9 ounces and 18 inches long.  He’s a tiny little peanut, and we love him so much.

I’ve got to get the whole story if Sullivan’s birth written down before it fades from memory.  I love that I have a pretty detailed account of both Logan and Camryn’s birth on here, and even though things are totally crazy right now, I know if I don’t get this written down, I’ll regret it.

Sullivan’s birth story really starts on September 20th.  I officially reached 37 weeks that day, and I had an ultrasound appointment with the maternal and fetal specialist.  Three weeks prior, Dr. G noticed on the ultrasound that some of Sullivan’s measurements were falling behind, and she wanted to take another look and see what was going on.  Sullivan was looking great on the ultrasound, but he was measuring small–even smaller than before.  His belly was measuring about 4 weeks behind, and the rest of his measurements were falling off of the growth curve he’d been on since 16 weeks.  He had dropped from the 40th percentile to the 15th.  There was talk of inducing right then, but thankfully everything else looked great on the ultrasound.  Derek was out of town that week, and while I’m sure he would have gotten on the first flight home, I really didn’t want to go into this without him.  After a phone call to my regular doctor, it was decided that it would be best to induce since Sullinvan wasn’t growing inside the way he should have been.  My induction was scheduled for bright and early Sunday morning, September 23.

The next two days were a blur of phone calls, last minute prep, excitement, and tears.  My mom and Derek’s parents drove down on Saturday to be here for the big event.  Saturday night I was pretty much a wreck.  I was nervous about the induction.  My induction with Connor was not a great experience, while my deliveries with the middle two were great and happened on their own.  I was anxious about Sullivan’s health.  Why is he so small?  Is he sick?  I was terrified about the way our family dynamic was going to change.  What if this isn’t a change for the better?  How will the other kids handle a new brother?  I shed a lot of tears and prayed a lot of prayers on Saturday night.  Remarkably, I actually slept fairly well until my alarm went off at 3:45.  I called the hospital to make sure there was a bed for me, partly hoping that it would be full and we could just put this off a little bit.  Nope, it was an incredibly slow night and there was plenty of space.  By 5:30 a..m, Derek and I were all set up in L&D room 3.

At 6:30, they started the pitocin.  The nurse made a comment that she thought we’d have a baby by lunch.  Big fat chance, I thought.  At that point I was 1 cm and 50% effaced.

At 7:30, Dr. K came in and flooded my bed broke my water.  During the pregnancy, I had been diagnosed with polyhydramnios which is a fancy way of saying I had a ton of amniotic fluid.  It’s one of those great medical things that can mean something or nothing.  Thankfully, it seems like it meant nothing in my case except a big mess when my water broke.  It was a this point that it really sunk in that we were having a baby.  Once the water breaks, there’s no turning back.

At 9:00, I got my epidural.  Oh, the sweet relief of the epidural!  I think every labor I go into it thinking I might just go all natural.  And then when those contractions come I realize that is crazy and there is no reason to suffer!   I was about 3-4 cm at this point.  And I felt like sort of a wimp for getting the epi so soon.  I think with my other labors I made it to 5 or 6 before the drugs.

At 10:30. I was 5 cm.  Halfway there!  By this point, my mom and Derek’s parents had arrived at the hospital.  Dr. K and the nurses still predicted he would arrive by lunch time, and I still wasn’t convinced.

At 11:00, Kathy (my sis-in-law) texted that she was on her way and not to push until she got there.  I told her she had plenty of time and I was sure she would make it.  In my mind, we still had hours to go.

At 11:05, they checked me again and I was at 7 cm.

At 11:25, Kathy arrived.  About this time, I started to have some serious pain on my right side.  It had been hurting a little bit the whole time–I think it was a spot where the epidural didn’t work.  It went from a little achy and uncomfortable to searing pain where I had to close my eyes and breath through the contractions.  My nurse said she would check me and I would either start pushing, or they would call anesthesia to get more drugs.   I was almost complete, so close that she thought I could just go for it.  Dr. K walked in, and the next few minutes were a complete and total blur.  I remember thinking to myself that I needed to embrace this moment.  This is it. The last time I will ever give birth, the last time I will ever experience that miraculous moment when you meet your child for the first time.

The pain was so intense.  So intense. I’d never felt the pain in any of my other births.

(Kudos to women who go without the drugs!  Y’all a crazy!)]

The contraction started, I pushed.  Take a breath.  Push again.  Take a breath, slow it down, little push, and there he was, all scrawny and chicken-legged, but perfect and beautiful, out in one contraction and three pushes.  My first thought was he was so tiny.  I’m pretty sure I cried.  He was screaming so loud, and had a full head of dark hair.  I couldn’t believe that he was here.

My nurse and doctor were right.  He arrived by lunch time, at 11:41 a.m.

It was an amazing day.

I need to blog about the kids getting to meet him, and just about life in general now.  But this post has already taken me two days to write, and I only have a little more time until the feed-the-baby routine starts again, then kids will be home, and on and on it goes.  Things are crazy busy.  And some moments are really hard.  But overall, I just feel overwhelmed with gratitude that God has blessed us with another son.  So I’ll end with a few pictures.

This one cracks me up, and it’s the boys’ fave because it looks like Sullivan is rocking out a little air guitar.

I love his little forehead wrinkles so much.

So much hair!

What sign is he throwing here?

Scrawny little chicken leg and loose knee skin.

sweet, sweet boy.  We love you so much!

T-minus 4 weeks

It feels a bit like the final baby countdown is on.

Connor was born at about 37 weeks.  Logan and Camryn were both born just a day before their due date.  Will this little guy hang out until October 11?  Or will he come early?  Who knows!  Part of me really hopes he’s just a week or two early.  I’m trying hard to enjoy these last few weeks, these last baby kicks and nightly hiccups.  But let’s just be real.  This isn’t the most comfortable stage of life.  I can’t wait to be able to bend again, to wear normal clothes, and most of all, to meet this little guy!

This pregnancy has been different from my other three in lots of ways.  My morning sickness was fairly mild (which actually made me think from the beginning that this was another boy.  I was super sick with Camryn.)  But man, the first trimester exhaustion was at an all time high.  And it didn’t end at 12 weeks, but carried on well into the second trimester.  I would crash on the couch every night the minute I got the kids tucked in.  I was worried about the summer, about how I would keep up with everyone and have the energy to get through it.  Luckily, the kids are older which means I can set them up with video games or movies (or a nap for Camryn) and take a nap myself.  I’ve napped more this pregnancy than ever before, which has been a great luxury.

I’ve had only a couple of cravings and food aversions.  I’ve eaten boxes and boxes of cereal.  When nothing else sounded good, I would turn cereal.  My favorite is Life with fresh strawberries.  But really, most of the time, any cereal will do.  I had an aversion to Chinese food for awhile, but I’m back to loving Pei Wei.  The only thing that really turns my stomach is chili.  Even just thinking of it makes me gag a little. Except for a couple of times that I craved chili cheese dogs.  But chili from a can is way different from homemade chili, and it’s the homemade stuff that grosses me out.  So weird.  Because really?  Could chili from a can be any more disgusting?

This little guy seems to be less active than I remember the others being.  It could just be because I’ve been so busy taking care of three other kids, but maybe it just means he’s going to be a super chilled-out, relaxed kid.  That sure would be great!

I’ve had more appointments than ever before.  I’ve always done the first trimester genetic screening, and it’s never turned up anything usual.  This time the results showed a higher risk of Down’s Syndrome than is typical for my age.  And so began the extra appointments with the maternal and fetal specialist.  I’ve had ultrasounds about every 3 weeks since 17 weeks.  Thankfully, everything looks great with our boy–his heart, brain, organs, etc. are all normal.  There are all kinds of markers they look for on the ultrasound for Down’s, and he doesn’t have any of them.  Of course, the only way we can totally rule anything out is with an amnio, but we declined any further testing.  We trust that God is in control and has been from the very beginning.  We love our son, and he is a precious gift no matter what.

The thing with all this testing and ultrasounds is they’ve noticed some things that, to quote the doctor, “may or may not be an issue.”  Our little guy has a calcium spot on his liver.  Not much we can do about that except wait until delivery and have the pediatrician check it out.  The promising thing is one calcium spot isn’t usually a huge deal, or even indicative that there is for sure something wrong.  But it’s there.  About a month ago, my amniotic fluid level was out of the normal range.  Thinking back on my other pregnancies, I think I’ve always had a lot of fluid, but it’s just never been measured or monitored before.  And as of two weeks ago, his belly was measuring a couple of weeks behind the rest of him.  Again, not necessarily a problem, but it’s another thing to keep an eye on.  I now spend about an hour every Friday morning hooked up to monitors for a non-stress test.  Last week was my first one, and it was really so relaxing, plus I loved listening to his heart beat on the monitors.  For the next 4 weeks (or until I deliver) I will have 2-3 appointments every week.  I’m so thankful that the kids are back in school, plus we have wonderful friends who have helped us out so much over the summer!

I should note that my regular ob isn’t too worried about any of this stuff, which is so calming and reassuring.  And except for a few moments of panic and worry about the baby not being healthy, I really have felt such a peace about everything.  It’s totally, 100% out of our hands.  It’s been a huge reminder that God is in control.  There is nothing we can do, and worrying never changes anything.  All we can do is pray and trust.  It’s been a faith building few months for me, and that is always a good thing!

So there you go.  The pregnancy has now been officially blogged.  All that’s left to do is, well, actually a lot.  Finish the room, make sure the pack-n-play/bassinet still function, pack a hospital bag, settle on a name…I’m sure it will all come together in the end.   I can’t wait!